Using your phone abroad
All Mozillion plans include EU roaming as standard across 41 destinations – this means you can use your plan’s data, calls and texts when you’re in these countries, including calling and texting back to the UK.
Data use is capped at 50% of your monthly data allowance if you’re on a 1GB plan, or 25% of your allowance if you are on a 3GB-100GB plan. For unlimited data plans, you can use up to 25GB of your monthly data allowance for roaming.
You can’t use your plan outside of the EU destinations or the UK.
Which countries can I use my roaming allowance in?
You can use your calls, texts and data roaming allowance in 41 destinations:
Spain, France, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Poland, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Switzerland. Belgium, Sweden, Croatia, Hungary, Malta, Lithuania, Romania, Finland, Czech Republic, Norway, Slovakia, Austria, Denmark, Gibraltar, Iceland, Latvia, Estonia, Luxembourg, Guadeloupe, Slovenia, Liechtenstein, French Guiana, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Martinique, Réunion, San Marino, Faroe Islands.
What is the difference between roaming and international calls?
Calling, texting, and using data outside of the UK in an eligible roaming destination is called roaming.
If you are in the UK or abroad and you are calling someone in another country, you are using international calls.
With Mozillion plans, you cannot make international calls from the UK or when abroad, but you can use your minutes, texts and data allowance when you are in the EU eligible countries to get online and to call or text UK numbers, subject to our fair usage policy.
Roaming Fair usage policy
Our plan are priced based on reasonable assumptions of average usage considering comparable statistics from comparable service providers in the UK. In case abnormal usage is detected, Mozillion reserves the right to suspend the availability of the bundle and/or to increase the price of any bundle in case of abusive, fraudulent, unreasonable, or abnormal usage. Such usage may include, but is not limited to, usage of bundles in permanent roaming (or with abnormally high roaming compared to national usage), abnormally high usage compared to industry standards, use of unauthorised equipment (including but not limited to “SIM boxes”, modems, and Wi Fi routers).
Please see our terms and conditions page for full details.